Thursday, March 6, 2008

Real Simple Syndication

How cool is RSS! I love it. Finally a way of using the internet in a way that totally suits me. I often get on the net and just traul through pages adding them to my favourites as I go. Invariably I forget to go back these pages or I go back a couple of times, find nothing new, and stop visiting.

I wouldn't use my Bloglines account. It's very annoying to have to constantly log into several different sites to keep up to date with email, blog, bloglines, Flickr, and so on. I like the ability to have everything in the one place, I can log on once and get all of the information I want. I can't see myself being a mad blogger after this course has finished so I would probably connect my RSS feeds to my email account.

What a great tool for work. Instead of being directed to 'an interesting website' and individually copy and pasting the web address an RSS feed could be added to our staff homepage. One aspect of my job requires me to be up to date with what's happening on certain websites - what a great way to cut down useless trawling time.

I still don't really get how RSS feeds work exactly. I wish that the feeds that I have would take me to the entire page so I can see the item in context instead of just pulling up the one item.

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Great to follow your Learning 2.0adventures. I really like RSS feeds too. Maybe if you don't like the way they are displaying you can try another reader. I use bloglines but I know that the other readers - like Google - have their fans! I keep meaning to try them out.
Hope you continue to enjoy the program.
Kathleen A